Yili, a Leading Dairy Company, Collaborates with Moxi to Launch Innovative Marketing Games


"Eliminate all unhappiness, and be full of energy today!"


In June 2022, Moxi Technologies and Yili officially signed a cooperation agreement, providing Yili with the "Yiqi Xiaoxiaoxiao" marketing gamification solution to help the brand improve efficiency and conversion, and prepare for the 618 shopping festival.





Project Overview


In this gamification marketing collaboration with Moxi Technologies, Yili made bold breakthroughs and innovations in design, gameplay, and experience.


"Yiqi Xiaoxiaoxiao" takes space exploration as its game background, deeply integrating Yili's brand elements with the game. Consumers are invited to unlock planets through game levels, with each planet representing a brand under the Yili Group, such as Ambrosial, Yogurt, Satine, Gold, and Wei Ke Zi.


In the game, Yili's mascot, Yi Nuo, is transformed into an astronaut, accompanying and guiding consumers throughout their spacewalk, continuously deepening consumers' brand awareness of Yili and strengthening the brand IP.


Game rewards and the sense of achievement from ranking continuously stimulate consumers to strive for higher scores, increasing game duration and improving consumer retention. The coupon rewards obtained from unlocking planets further promote order conversion in the online store. Consumers can exchange milk drops for physical rewards, ultimately achieving the marketing conversion from game users to valuable users.



About Yili


Yili Group, ranked among the top five global dairy companies and holding the top spot in Asia for eight consecutive years, is China's largest dairy company with the most complete product categories. It is also a partner of top summits such as the World Economic Forum, Boao Forum for Asia, and the World Internet Conference.


The strong influence of Yili's products stems from its long-term, systematic, and effective marketing practices. From the 2008 Beijing Olympics to the 2019 Wuhan Military World Games, from the 2010 Shanghai World Expo to the 2016 Hangzhou G20 Summit, Yili has frequently appeared as the sole dairy provider.


Notably, in the recent 2022 Winter Olympics in China, Yili, as one of the sponsoring brands, ranked first in consumer recognition of its Olympic identity, far ahead of other brands.


In this collaboration, Yili chose to leverage the natural entertainment, interactivity, high engagement, and immersive experience of games to establish a good communication channel with young people. By creating a game, Yili aims to build stronger brand trust and user loyalty, continuously generate buzz, and provide support for the 618 shopping festival.



Author's Note


From the "Yiqi Xiaoxiaoxiao" case, we can see the universality of gamification solutions. Marketing games possess the natural entertainment, interactivity, high engagement, and immersive qualities of games. They break free from the various limitations of traditional marketing in terms of time, space, and gameplay, making them an excellent channel for communicating with young people.


It is understood that since its establishment, Moxi Technologies has upgraded the private traffic pool construction for over 300 clients across various fields, including Taobao, JD.com, Xinhua News Agency, Ctrip, Chi Forest, and Keep.


In the future, marketing games will explore more new formats and create a more magnificent landscape. Perhaps in the near future, every brand will have its own "mini-game."

