Blue Ocean Online

Beijing Blue Ocean Online Technology Co., Ltd., established in 2015, is a leading digital transformation service provider in the automotive industry. It offers integrated mobile internet DMS information solutions for car manufacturers, dealers, and service providers. Additionally, it provides distributed IoT intermediary database supervision technology for banks and other financial institutions, achieving the standardization of non-standard assets and providing post-loan management support services.

Hi Face
An Animal Crossing-style avatar creation game where players can create their own personalized 3D character through a 360-degree view, choosing skin tone, face shape, hairstyle, accessories, clothing, and more. The generated avatar can be shared or displayed in the personal center or even linked games, stimulating user participation and interaction.
Applicable Industries:
All industries
Key Features:
Attracts new users from diverse groups, sparks user interest, accelerates the internal cycle of the game matrix
Applicable Scenarios:
Cold start of brand marketing campaigns, event-based marketing