Zhejiang Satellite TV

Zhejiang Satellite TV, officially known as Zhejiang Radio and Television Group Satellite Channel, is a comprehensive satellite television channel under Zhejiang Radio and Television Group. It is also one of the most influential provincial satellite TV channels in China.

Bulu's Adventure
A long-term operation game launched on Zhejiang Satellite TV's official app "Z Vision," designed to increase user engagement and online duration. Users can nurture the official mascot, Bulu, who will go on adventures and bring back program-related postcards. Collecting these postcards allows users to complete events and earn physical rewards. During Bulu's outings, users can also play a themed match-three game to gather resources and enjoy the gaming experience.
Applicable Industries:
All industries
Key Features:
User retention, increased user activity
Applicable Scenarios:
Long-term operations, private domain operations